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Interesting Links To Various Websites
Pertaining To Integrative Medicine
These doctors instruct how to treat corona virus patients
with a variety of well researched and safe alternatives.
America's Frontline Doctors 1
America's Frontline Doctors 2
America's Frontline Doctors, Treatment Options
America's Frontline Doctors, Treatment Protocols
America's Frontline Doctors, Pharmacies
America's Frontline Doctors, Legal Help
Information About Covid Vaccines.
Covid Vaccine References
How to receive christian salvation with
Bible References.
This is a teaching website which Doctor Hesselink compiled
pertaining to the biochemistry involved with oxidative therapies.
This is a treasure trove of medical references on thousands of topics. OR
Abortion, Over-Looked Issues
Pro-Life Websites
This is an organization which teaches and promotes ozone therapies.
Ozone Without Borders
This group of doctors advocates for doctors to have freedom
to treat patients according to their best judgement without adverse
intrusions from unscrupulous regulators and other third parties.
They also advocate for conventionally neglected therapies.
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
These physician organizations practice and teach integrative medicine.
International College of Integrative Medicine = ICIM
American College for Advancement in Medicine = ACAM
Environmental Working Group provides reports on pesticides and toxins in foods and in tapwater.
EWG Website
Dirty Dozen
Full Food Lists
This website provides interesting articles and doctor comments about
toxic metals, artery disease and chelation therapy, compiled by I.C.I.M.
Lead exposure is linked to heart disease and deaths.
Lead and Heart Disease
This is a review article explaining chelation therapy by Doctor Gervasio Lamas.
These websites provide excellent information about
low dose naltrexone for patients, physicians and researchers.
LDN Science
Low Dose Naltrexone
LDN Research
Iodine deficiency causes diseases of the thyroid system
and increases risks of breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Most people need to supplement iodine, as there is not enough
in salt or in most other foods (except possibly sea food).
Watch these interesting videos by David Brownstein,MD.
Iodine Supplementation Interview With Dr. Brownstein
The following link provides a thorough and interesting review,
"Iodine Why You Need It - Why You Cannot Live Without It",
by Doctor David Brownstein:
Iodine Lecture, by Dr. Brownstein
Or Iodine Lecture, by Dr. Brownstein
See also his website:
Doctor Brownstein
For even more thorough reviews see "Iodine health benefits - Iodine Why We Need it":
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
See also Why Iodine
See also by Jorge Flechas, MD Total Body Iodine Sufficiency
Boron is an amazing trace mineral nutrient with multiple benefits.
Boron And Health
Thiamine Treatment For Parkinson's Disease
my future videos
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